There are many gadgets available for a child’s room these days. Unfortunately, some of them turn out to be unnecessary. Some accessories look nice, but quickly become boring for children and do not bring any benefit. However, the situation is different when it comes to ladders for children. The exercise ladder in the children’s room has many advantages, which we would like to present to you today. In this case, you don’t have to worry about money being thrown down the drain.

Still not everyone knows that gymnastic ladders are not only found in the school gym or on the playground. You can also have such a ladder at home without any problems. Not only children, but also adults are happy to use them. Contrary to appearances, children’s ladders offer more than just exercise and physical activity. They also have other, less obvious functions, which we will now take you through.

drabinka ladder
Pikler Traingle Juupi

1. Impact on physical health

To begin with, let’s start with this obvious benefit, i.e. the positive impact on health. It is worth expanding this topic a bit, because ladders for children are versatile. Gross and fine motor skills are terms that come up often, but the ladder really excels in their development. The ladder develops muscles, balance and coordination as your child climbs up and down the ladder. And when he grabs the rungs with his hands, he develops grip and fine motor skills.

Maintaining the correct posture in a child is a problem for many parents. Children often bend over books, they do not sit straight at the desk. It is worth paying attention to this from an early age. Ladders help keep your spine straight. Therefore, they also prevent various diseases related to body posture, e.g. scoliosis.

Ladder training is a safe sport. Especially if we choose the right ladder. It should be adapted to the age of the child. The Juupi ladder is so universal that it can be used by children of all ages. And its size has been adjusted so that it provides great fun and movement, and at the same time it is safe also for the youngest.

Juupi pikler triangle

2. Not only the physical aspect – how the ladder affects the child’s psyche

It has been known for a long time that taking care of your physical health also has a positive effect on your mental health. Regular movement improves the circulatory and respiratory systems. And this, in turn, makes you feel better. A child whose movement needs are met is also more likely to learn and concentrate.

A toddler who puts his feet on the rungs must coordinate his movements. The exercise ladder helps in learning sensory integration, i.e. ordering stimuli. Ladders for children are extremely stimulating, because at the same time you have to focus on keeping your balance and taking the next steps.

Let’s remember that what seems simple to us is often a challenge and a skill that children must acquire. With our support and the ladder it will definitely be easier for him. 🙂

3. Ladders for children and character training

Can ladder exercises be an exercise in character? Yes! The child learns motivation to go up and down. And perseverance when things go wrong. He also needs courage to get to the top. A toddler with a ladder trains his patience and overcoming difficulties and it gives him joy, because each subsequent step on it becomes easier.

All these features that the ladder shapes are extremely important in everyday life, not only during physical activity. The child will certainly translate it into learning other things as well. Focus is a skill that needs to be practiced too. A tablet or a phone makes our concentration decrease, and the ladder improves it. 🙂

Ladder Juupi with handles

4. With a ladder, boredom is not scary for us!

What can a child do when it’s raining outside? Somehow he has to discharge that energy. The prospect of running around the house does not seem pleasant to us. Especially when lacks a space. Besides, it’s not safe. A ladder is a good way to get bored when we can’t go outside. The aforementioned electronic devices can certainly absorb children for many hours, but that’s not the point. Playing with a ladder for children gives endorphins and does not make you lazy. The time spent exercising with this device combined with reading, drawing and playing is the most valuable, because it meets all the needs of our child.

Wooden ladders for children

If we have convinced you that children’s ladders are worth attention, check out our offer of wooden ladders 🙂

It is a particularly good choice due to aesthetics, durability and safety.

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